The kitty who stole Perth's heart

Ticker and her family were brought to SAFE Perth - Saving perth animals from euthanasia from up north when they were at risk of being euthanised.

When she arrived, her carer Jessica was astounded to discover Ticker had a very special surprise for her.

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“Ticker is an extremely loving little kitten, but she shows it in a truly amazing way. She has a large love-heart print right on her coat. From the moment we saw her, we knew she was a very special little kitten,” says Jessica.

Ticker is a happy little kitty who enjoys pouncing on toys and zooming around the room. She also loves cuddling with Jessica’s little daughter and sleeping in her bed.

Having the whole family involved with caring for foster pets has become a way of life for Jessica's household.

“Our whole family love having foster pets, so it seems especially great that we get to care for a kitten who is able to show so obviously why we do it, and why SAFE Perth - Saving Perth Animals from Euthanasia is so vital to the pets of Western Australia,” says Jessica. “Love is what is saving lives.”

All pets are special. With your ongoing support, SAFE Perth - Saving Perth Animals from Euthanasia helps hundreds of pets each year find the love they deserve. Please consider becoming a monthly donor.


A huge thank you to Kelly from 7 to 1 Photography for these gorgeous shots of Ticker and to Shutterpaws for their ongoing support.

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